Coronavirus (COVID-19) has brought about a lot of changes around the globe. Pet parents have been dealing with a myriad of changes as well. Changes in routine from going into an office to working from home to just staying home and not working during the COVID-19 Quarantine. If you are among the pet parents who are now staying home -- whether you're working or not --
February was Pet Dental Health Month. It’s an ideal way to raise awareness of the importance of dental health, but pet parents know caring for pet’s teeth is a year-round task. If you’re not certain how to care for your pet’s teeth, we have advice.
Reptiles have big personalities! You may not have thought of that, but some reptiles will show their joy at seeing you walk into the room. We have heard from bearded dragon parents that the dragon will run to the top of the log when they walk into the room. There is also a bearded dragon we have seen online that will look as though he is waving when he sees his
Watching fish swim around in an aquarium is a peaceful, stress-reducing way to relax and unwind. Fish tanks are also beautiful and unique, especially when you consider how many species of fish re available, the number of accessories you can add, the plants, the various color rocks
It is fascinating to watch birds flocking to the feeders you have placed in your yard. This is especially true if you live in areas of the country that get blanketed with snow. Seeing bright flashes of colors and hearing the sounds of birds scrambling to your feeders brightens even the darkest of winter days.
New kittens are fun, snuggly and full of energy! If you're planning to bring a kitten into your home, you will want to be prepared to keep him or her entertained, engaged and well-cared for. How to care for a new kitten is something you can ask your veterinarian or the shelter from which you're adopting the kitten. Many of us have also adopted kittens from